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Relying on a Westchester DWI Attorney


Drinking and driving is something that we are always warned about. From print ads to television commercials, drivers are reminded not to mix alcohol with driving. Even if there are plenty of warnings, a lot of drivers still end up being charged for DWI.

DWI is not something that you can joke about. Not everyone who falls victim to this offense lives to tell about it. The thing about DWI is that it is the kind of mistake that can lead to the deaths of innocent people around the world, children or adults.

I was a victim of DWI.

I was also the wrongdoer that got charged with the DWI offense.

This is something that has taught me a lot about responsibility.

My friends and I were just about to graduate from college and so we decided to engage in some midnight merriment. We went to a couple of bars and grabbed plenty of drinks. After our night of intoxication, we decided to start heading home. I brought a vehicle with me and together with a few friends, we drove off.

Since it was the middle of the night, I was expecting the streets not to be as busy. Having this in mind, I was confident about driving even if I was drunk. Apparently, I thought wrong. I should have taken a cab but by this time, it was already too late.

We got into a collision with a delivery van. It was a head-on collision making the turnout even worse for both vehicles. The driver of the van was terribly injured. My friends and I were banged up as well.

The police arrived and helped sort things out. After the alcohol wore off, I was taken into custody. I was informed that I needed a Westchester DWI attorney since I was being charged for DWI and the wreck. It was a good thing that Richard Portale was available on such short notice.

The case took several months to finish and everything was settled out of court. I got a get-out-of-jail pass thanks to my Westchester DWI attorney. I only had to complete several hours of community service but the event really changed my life.

Aside from being sober for several years now, I have become a much better driver not to mention an advocate for preventing  more DWI cases from happening.